Federal Budget Operate Plan Model

Federal Budget Operate Plan, AKA "Spend Plan", "Financial Plan", is the first phase of budget execution. Below excel-based scenario-driven self-balance spend plan model is a tool to plan and monitor budget before and during the year of the execution.

Chart 1: Federal Budget Operate Plan Model Demonstration

Chart 2: Federal Budget Operate Plan Model Process Map

Federal Budget Operate Plan TAB "Model" Detail Description by Section

Chart 3: Federal Budget Operate Plan Model TAB "Model" Section Description

Federal Budget Operate Plan TAB "Model" Selected Excel Formulas and Functions

Federal Budget Operate Plan TAB "Worksheet" Selected Excel Formulas and Functions

Formula used in “Worksheet” to retrieve the monthly data based on the user selection on “Allocation”, “Pay”, and “Non-Pay” dropdown menu.

Federal Budget Operate Plan TAB "Non-Pay Model" Selected Excel Formulas and Functions

Use “IF” and “VLOOKUP” combinations to fill out the execution and plan data, if “VLOOKUP” has positive return from execution data report, then the monthly data field will contain actual execution data, otherwise, it will show plan data.

Federal Budget Operate Plan TAB "Pay Model" Selected Excel Formulas and Functions

To calculate FTE QTR distribution by consider the working days by QTR and the FTE equivalent of the End Strength.

Chart 4: Federal Budget Operate Plan TAB "Pay Model"

Chart 5: Federal Budget Operate Plan TAB "Pay Weight"

Budget Allocation Scenarios:

Non Pay exeuction scenarios are based on customized execution by months with consideration of historcal data, year to date current execution, and initial plan of execution.

Salary and expenses are driven by agency's hiring strategy and budget position, and 11 pay exeuction and hiring scenarios give agency options to find the option to balance its agency budget and working forces.