
Federal Budget Spend Plan Model

Scenario-driven self-balance tool to plan and monitor Federal budget exeuction.

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Tableau Citi Bike Usage Analysis

Show the usage of bike sharing program in New York City. Visulize the riding routes, the geographic locations and route, busiest bike stations.

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Python - Office Excel 1

Use Python to Combine Excel Workbooks and/or Worksheets.

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Python - Office Excel 2

Use Python to Compare Data and Changes in Excel Workbook.

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VBA Code Examples for Excel

Use VBA functionalities to conduct data comparison, mining, analysis.

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Federal Spending Dashboard

Tableau based dashboard to track federal budget and spending.

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Budget Execution Dashboard

Tableau based dashboard to track and compare budget execution.

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SQL Data, Python

SQL Data, Python Data Analysis & Visualization

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Use Python to Analyze Text

Perform Sentiment Analysis on Text.

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Tableau Federal Employee Average Salary

Show trend and distribution of Federal employment and it’s salary levels by geographic locations, education levels, and agencies.

Note: based on released FY 2018 data that is available to public.

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COVID19 Dashboard

This visualization shows COVID19 cases and deaths, and detail is showed at state and county level.

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The Power of Plots

Apply Python Matplotlib to a real-world situation

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Belly Button Biodiversity Dashboard

Use JavaScript, CSS, D3, Plotly to build interactive dashboard

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Machine Learning in Python

Use Python Machine Learning to conduct analysis to explore impacting factors

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Python, JS D3, and Leaflet GeoMap

Use Python, JavaScript, D3, and Leaflet to conduct data mining, create map object, add data point, layers, pop-up, legend, and interactivity to the webpage.

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