Feds Salary

Note: based on released FY 2018 data that is available to public.

World Map based on Longitude and Latitude. Color shows sum of Number of Records. Details are shown for Measure Names and Country. US Map based on Longitude and Latitude. Color shows average of Salary. Details are shown for State.

Count of Number of Records for each Loslvlt. Color shows details about Edlvltypt. The data is filtered on Agytypt, Agysubt, Agelvlt, Occtypt, Occt, Payplan, Payplant, PPGRD (DTppgrd.txt), Sallvlt, Pptypt, Occfamt and Agyt. The Agytypt filter keeps Cabinet Level Agencies, Large Independent Agencies (1000 or more employees), Medium Independent Agencies (100-999 employees) and Small Independent Agencies (less than 100 employees). The Agysubt filter keeps 529 of 1,058 members. The Agelvlt filter keeps 12 of 11 members. The Occtypt filter keeps Blue Collar and White Collar. The Occt filter keeps 676 of 1,322 members. The Payplan filter keeps 171 of 235 members. The Payplant filter keeps 171 of 235 members. The PPGRD (DTppgrd.txt) filter excludes CE-09 and CE-10. The Sallvlt filter keeps 26 of 34 members. The Pptypt filter keeps General Schedule and Equivalently Graded (GSEG) Pay Plans, Other White Collar Pay Plans, Prevailing Rate Pay Plans (Blue Collar) and Unspecified or Not Applicable. The Occfamt filter keeps 59 of 57 members. The Agyt filter keeps 125 of 155 members. The view is filtered on Loslvlt, which keeps 10 of 10 members.

Average of Salary for each Agysubt broken down by Occt. Color shows details about Sallvlt. The data is filtered on Agytypt, Agyt, Agelvlt, Edlvltypt, Loslvlt, Occtypt, Payplant, PPGRD (DTppgrd.txt), Occfamt and Payplan. The Agytypt filter keeps Cabinet Level Agencies, Large Independent Agencies (1000 or more employees), Medium Independent Agencies (100-999 employees) and Small Independent Agencies (less than 100 employees). The Agyt filter keeps 125 of 155 members. The Agelvlt filter keeps 12 of 11 members. The Edlvltypt filter keeps 10 of 11 members. The Loslvlt filter keeps 11 of 10 members. The Occtypt filter keeps Blue Collar and White Collar. The Payplant filter keeps 171 of 235 members. The PPGRD (DTppgrd.txt) filter excludes CE-09 and CE-10. The Occfamt filter keeps 05xx-ACCOUNTING AND BUDGET and 06xx-MEDICAL, HOSPITAL, DENTAL & PUB HEALTH. The Payplan filter keeps 12 of 235 members. The view is filtered on Agysubt and Occt. The Agysubt filter keeps 60 of 529 members. The Occt filter keeps 8 of 1,322 members.