Welcome to Budget Matter

Budget Process

How Federal budget is planned, formulated, executed, and reported.

Budget Laws

Legislative and regulatory requirements set forth for financial management function.


Real-world applications

Personal Projects

Tableau Citi Bike Analysis

Use Tableau to conduct NYC's Citi Bike Share Program Usage analysis.

Budget Spend Plan Model

Scenario-driven self-balance tool to plan and monitor Federal budget exeuction.

Python - Office Excel 1

Use Python to Combine Excel Workbooks and/or Worksheets

Python - Office Excel 2

Use Python to Compare Data and Changes in Excel Workbook.

Machine Learning in Python

Use Python Machine Learning to analyze and explore happiness.

Excel VBA Examples

Use VBA functionalities to conduct data comparison, mining, analysis.

Federal Spending Dashboard

Tableau based dashboard to track federal budget and spending.

Budget Execution

Tableau based dashboard to track and compare budget execution.

SQL Data, Python

SQL Data, Python Data Analysis & Visualization

Python, JS D3, and Leaflet

Conduct data mining, create map, add interactivity to the webpage.

COVID-19 Dashboard

Use Tableau to visualize the COVID-19 spread over last four months.

About Federal Employment

Based on released FY 2018 data that is available to public.

The Power of Plots

Apply Python Matplotlib to a real-world situation

Biodiversity Dashboard

Use JavaScript, CSS, D3, Plotly to build interactive dashboard

Use Python to Analyze Text

Perform Sentiment Analysis on Text.